Starter quiz

  • Order the parts of an essay.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
  • Match the parts of an essay with their functions.
    • introduction
      gives the reader general information about the essay subject ✓
    • sections
      paragraphs of specific information about an aspect of the subject ✓
    • conclusion
      summarises the key information of the essay ✓
  • Which of these fronted adverbials are appropriate to use in an essay?
    • Suddenly,
    • However,  ✓
    • In addition to this,  ✓
    • As quick as a flash,
    • In 766 CE,  ✓
  • Select facts that are appropriate to use in section two.
    • The Prophet Muhammad was born in 570 CE.
    • Baghdad was built in 766CE.  ✓
    • The Abbasids prioritised education, charity and good governance.  ✓
    • The Umayyads took over Islamic rule after the Rashidun caliphate.
  • Order the parts of a main section paragraph.
    • 1
      introductory sentence
    • 2
      explanatory sentences
    • 3
      linking sentence
  • Match the keywords to their definitions.
    • Abbasid dynasty
      the family who reigned over the Islamic Empire during the Golden Age ✓
    • House of Wisdom
      a school, library and translation centre ✓
    • Baghdad
      the capital city constructed by the Abbasids ✓