Starter quiz

  • Which piece of punctuation is found in the word can't?
    • comma
    • full stop
    • apostrophe  ✓
    • inverted commas
  • Match the punctuation mark to its name.
    • ,
      comma ✓
    • "
      inverted commas ✓
    • .
      full stop ✓
    • '
      apostrophe ✓
  • Match the contracted form to the full form.
    • would have
      would've ✓
    • should not
      shouldn't ✓
    • we will
      we'll ✓
    • she had
      she'd ✓
  • Which is closest in meaning to 'possession'?
    • when you love something
    • when you own something  ✓
    • when you know something
    • when you break something
  • Which of these nouns are plural?
    • dogs  ✓
    • rat
    • knives  ✓
    • dream
  • Which of these nouns are singular?
    • tooth  ✓
    • teeth
    • child  ✓
    • children