Starter quiz

  • Which sentence has both apostrophes for contraction used correctly?
    • We do'nt care if it isn't ready.
    • We don't care if it is'nt ready.
    • We don't care if it isn't ready.  ✓
  • Match the contracted form to the full form.
    • wasn't
      was not ✓
    • won't
      will not ✓
    • would've
      would have ✓
    • weren't
      were not ✓
  • Which of these sentences use an apostrophe for singular possession (where one noun owns other nouns)?
    • Aisha's shoes were hurting her.  ✓
    • The beavers' dam was mostly underwater.
    • The children's work was very difficult.
    • A mouse's ears are always twitching.  ✓
  • Which of these sentences use an apostrophe for plural possession (where more than one noun owns other nouns)?
    • The mice's teeth were very sharp.  ✓
    • The farmer's tractor was covered in mud.
    • The boys' work was beautifully presented.  ✓
    • The doctor's orders were ignored.
  • Match the sentence to the way the apostrophe has been used.
    • for contraction
      She didn't know the answer.  ✓
    • for plural possession
      The teachers' meeting went on for hours.  ✓
    • for singular possession
      Andeep's mum came to collect us.  ✓
  • Which of these sentences use an apostrophe for plural possession correctly?
    • The garden's walls were covered in ivy.
    • The walls' bricks were old and crumbling.  ✓
    • The bricks' surfaces were rough and coarse.  ✓
    • The owner's opinion was all that mattered.