Starter quiz

  • At the beginning of the text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope', which character causes Arthur to leave his town?
    • 'Fenrir' ✓
  • True or false. Odin, the father of the gods, conjures the golden rope which is given to Thor.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Throughout the story, what characteristics does Joe Todd Stanton (the author) show Arthur to have?
    • clever  ✓
    • cruel
    • selfless  ✓
    • selfish
    • courageous  ✓
  • Throughout the story, what characteristics does Joe Todd Stanton (the author) show Thor to have?
    • brave  ✓
    • cowardly
    • wise  ✓
    • powerful  ✓
    • weak
  • True or False? The colossal cat helps Arthur when he falls from The World Tree.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Put the events that have happened so far in the text 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' in the correct order.
    • 1
      Fenrir extinguishes the great fire.
    • 2
      Arthur travels across the sea to the land of the Viking gods.
    • 3
      Arthur collects the sound of the cat's footfall.
    • 4
      Arthur collects the roots of a mountain.
    • 5
      The golden rope is made by Odin.