Starter quiz

  • Which image represents the word 'diminutive'?
  • Which image represents the word 'dazzling'?
  • Select the correct definition for 'chiselled'.
    • perfectly carved or sculpted; like the square jaw of a handsome superhero  ✓
    • sparkling or amazing; like the glittering lights of a hundred cameras
    • elegant and perfect; like a well-groomed dog
  • Select the correct definition for 'dazzling'.
    • perfectly carved or sculpted; like the square jaw of a handsome superhero
    • sparkling or amazing; like the glittering lights of a hundred cameras  ✓
    • elegant and perfect; like a well-groomed dog
  • Select the correct definition for 'impeccable'.
    • perfectly carved or sculpted; like the square jaw of a handsome superhero
    • sparkling or amazing; like the glittering lights of a hundred cameras
    • elegant and perfect; like a well-groomed dog  ✓
  • Match the adjective to the most appropriate word pair.
    • chiselled
      cheekbones ✓
    • dazzling
      sunshine ✓
    • impeccable
      posture ✓


  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith
