Starter quiz

  • Which image represents the word 'cunning'?
  • Which image represents the word 'devious'?
  • Select the correct definition for 'shrewd'.
    • clever or sharp-witted  ✓
    • bold and daring
    • tiny or microscopic
  • Select the correct definition for 'cunning'.
    • assertive or confident
    • perfect or flawless
    • sly or crafty  ✓
  • Select the correct definition for 'devious'.
    • clumsy or bludering
    • cheating or sly  ✓
    • empty or unoccupied
  • Which of these words is a synonym for 'shrewd'?
    • intelligent  ✓
    • lonely
    • nervous


  • Q1: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q1: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q1: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith

  • Q2: Mrs Wordsmith
