Starter quiz

  • Match the cohesive devices to the examples.
    • parenthesis
      The ship (called HMS Beagle) was away for five years.  ✓
    • compound sentence
      His father was a doctor and his mother was from a wealthy family. ✓
    • complex sentence
      Darwin is remembered today because his theory was ground-breaking. ✓
  • Which sentence has brackets in the correct position to show parenthesis?
    • The Galapagos (a small archipelago close to South America) had many new species.  ✓
    • The Galapagos (a small archipelago close) to South America had many new species.
    • The Galapagos a small (archipelago close to South America) had many new species.
  • Which relative complex sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • The voyage, which lasted 5 years took the Beagle all around the globe.
    • The voyage, which lasted 5 years, took the Beagle all around the globe.  ✓
    • The voyage which lasted 5 years took the Beagle all around the globe.
  • Which relative clause could complete this sentence? 'They visited the Galapagos Islands, ______.'
    • who are located close to South America
    • whose located close to South America
    • which are located close to South America  ✓
  • Why do we use subject-specific vocabulary?
    • to make our writing harder to read
    • to make ourselves sound authoritative  ✓
    • to show that we know the subject well  ✓
    • to show that we are being imaginative
  • Which sentence has the appropriate formal tone for a biography?
    • Those clever finches had changed their beaks!
    • It was clear that the beaks had evolved over thousands of years.  ✓
    • Somehow - miraculously - the beaks had changed!