Charles Darwin: biographical writing
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Why could 'The Second World War' not be the subject of a biography?
it is not in the past
it is not important
it is not a person ✓
it did not affect people
Which of these is not a linguistic feature of a biography?
second person ✓
third person
formal tone
past tense
Which sentence is appropriate for use in a biography?
She didn't really have much training.
When she began working with chimps, Jane had no formal training. ✓
Jane had no idea what she was up to at the start.
You won't believe how unprepared Jane was to start with.
Match the types of fronted adverbial to the examples.
formal fronted adverbial
In addition, ✓
fronted adverbial of time
After she left school, ✓
fronted adverbial of cause
As a result, ✓
Which sentences contain a relative clause?
Who was Jane Goodall?
Jane, who always loved animals, longed to go to Africa. ✓
Jane moved to Tanzania, which is next to Kenya. ✓
One chimp was very aggressive - Jane wasn't sure which.
Which sentence has the brackets placed correctly to show the parenthesis?
In 1957, Jane moved to Nairobi the (capital of Kenya).
In 1957, Jane moved to (Nairobi the capital of Kenya).
In 1957, Jane moved to Nairobi (the capital of Kenya). ✓