Starter quiz

  • Which of the following language features will we not find in a biography?
    • formal tone
    • informal language  ✓
    • third person
    • first person  ✓
  • What will each paragraph start with in our biography of Darwin?
    • title
    • subheading  ✓
    • introduction
    • indent  ✓
  • Which cohesive device is used in this sentence? 'The Beagle's voyage, which lasted five years, took it all the way around the world.'
    • adverbial complex sentence
    • relative complex sentence  ✓
    • compound sentence
    • fronted adverbial
  • Which cohesive devices are used in this sentence? 'Darwin went to Edinburgh because his father sent him there; however, he did not enjoy it.'
    • adverbial complex sentence  ✓
    • relative complex sentence
    • colon
    • semi-colon  ✓
  • Which subordinating conjunction could work in the gap in this sentence? 'Darwin enjoyed Cambridge ______ he had the chance to explore his love of entomology.'
    • as
    • when
    • so that
    • because  ✓
  • Which fronted adverbial could be used as a cohesive device in the gap in this sentence? 'Darwin left university in 1831; ______, he joined the voyage of the Beagle.'
    • that day
    • in the same year  ✓
    • due to this
    • however