Starter quiz

  • Based on the front cover, which of the following are likely to be poetry collections?
  • A stanza is ...
    • the repetition of initial consonant sounds occurring in neighbouring words.
    • something that compares two things using 'like' or 'as'.
    • a group of lines within a poem that form a distinct unit.  ✓
  • What is a suitable definition of the word compassion?
    • a feeling of deep satisfaction, self-worth or accomplishment
    • empathy and concern for others' suffering  ✓
    • the overwhelming sense of wonder, admiration
  • Which of the following descriptions shows the emotion of jealousy?
    • Sofia's face lit up with happiness as she received the scholarship news.
    • Sam experienced a tinge of envy seeing her best friend in the lead role.  ✓
    • Izzy's eyes gleamed with desire at the prized item during the auction.
    • Andeep felt a nervous flutter as he awaited the outcome of the crucial interview
  • Figurative language includes the use of ...
    • metaphor.  ✓
    • simile.  ✓
    • song lyrics.
    • graphic novels.
    • personification.  ✓
  • Which of the following are forms of poetry?
    • haiku  ✓
    • simile
    • acrostic  ✓
    • shape / concrete poem  ✓
    • metaphor


  • Q1: Rhythm and Poetry, Karl Nova, Caboodle Books Limited

  • Q1: Foxlight, Katya Balen, Barry Falls, Bloomsbury

  • Q1: Frost hollow Hall, Emma Carroll, Faber & Faber

  • Q1: Happy Poems: A Poetry Collection to Make You Smile!, Roger McGough, Macmillan Children's Books
