Starter quiz

  • Match the following details from the front cover of the text.
    • title
      Coming to England ✓
    • tagline
      An inspiring true story celebrating the Windrush Generation ✓
    • author
      Floella Benjamin ✓
    • illustrator
      Joelle Avelino ✓
  • True or False? Floella Benjamin's experience of England in 1960 was entirely positive.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What is a suitable definition of a theme within a text?
    • to overstate something for dramatic effect
    • a central idea that the writer intends the audience to engage deeply with  ✓
    • a character's thoughts not spoken out loud
  • True or False? 'Coming to England' is an autobiographical memoir.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • subtlety
      delicate, nuanced expression or behaviour; not obvious or explicit ✓
    • leftovers
      remaining food from a meal; what is uneaten ✓
    • gullet
      the throat; the passage through which food passes into the stomach ✓
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • tyrant
      a cruel and oppressive ruler who abuses power ✓
    • hypocritical
      someone pretending to have virtues or beliefs they do not possess ✓
    • rejoiced
      expressed joy or happiness; celebrated with delight ✓
    • admiration
      respect and approval; regarding someone or something with esteem ✓