Starter quiz

  • Who is the author of 'Coming to England'?
    • 'Floella Benjamin' ✓
  • Choose the correct spelling of the word in bold. A biography is written in kronologikle order.
    • chronalogicle
    • chronologicle
    • chronological  ✓
    • kronological
  • Which of the following are types of weather?
    • cloudy  ✓
    • busy
    • rainy  ✓
    • thriving
    • stormy  ✓
  • If the weather is __________ then it is very difficult to see. Select the most appropriate word to complete this sentence.
    • windy
    • sunny
    • foggy  ✓
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • soles
      the bottoms of feet or shoes ✓
    • tarmac
      paved surface for roads ✓
    • furnace
      hot, enclosed space for heating ✓
  • Match the word to its definition.
    • haze
      misty or unclear atmosphere ✓
    • torrent
      rushing streams of water ✓
    • idle
      something inactive or not in use ✓