Starter quiz

  • Select the features of a non-fiction text which can help you navigate it more effectively.
    • illustrations  ✓
    • blurb
    • sub-headings  ✓
    • fact boxes  ✓
  • Why is skimming and scanning a text useful?
    • it helps us summarise what we've read
    • it helps us retrieve important information  ✓
    • it helps us order the events in the text
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • communicate
      to share or exchange information ✓
    • environment
      the surroundings in which a living thing exists ✓
    • survive
      to continue to live or exist ✓
    • predator
      an animal that preys on others ✓
    • protect
      keep safe from harm or injury ✓
  • Select the correct definition for bioluminescence.
    • the glow of a creature or plant
    • the emission of light by a living organism caused by a chemical reaction within  ✓
    • the protection of oneself from predators
  • Select the correct definition for biofluorescence.
    • the glow of a human being
    • the emission of light by a living organism caused by a chemical reaction within
    • the glow of flowers and plants
    • the emission of light by a living organism as a result of absorbing light  ✓
  • Select the strategies that could help a reader to retrieve key information.
    • searching for capital letters for proper nouns  ✓
    • reading the entire text again
    • looking for words that are in bold  ✓
    • recalling what I have read from memory