Starter quiz

  • Who is the author of 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths'?
    • 'Maisie Chan' ✓
  • Which of the following does Danny enjoy doing most of all?
    • mathematics
    • writing speech bubbles
    • drawing  ✓
  • Who is the illustrator of 'Danny Chung Does Not Do Maths'?
    • 'Anh Cao' ✓
  • Match the following characters to an appropriate character trait.
    • Mrs. Cruikshanks
      welcoming ✓
    • Carter
      mean ✓
    • Uncle Yee
      helpful ✓
  • What is the most suitable definition of a recommendation?
    • a group of readers who read, share and discuss their reading experiences
    • a form of text combining words and images in long-form, sequential art panels
    • a suggestion for a text that is suited to a reader’s age and their interests  ✓
  • Match the following connections that readers can make from a text.
    • text-to-text
      when the content of the text relates to another text ✓
    • text-to-world
      when the content relates to events and issues in the real world ✓
    • text-to-self
      when the content of the text relates to personal experiences ✓