Starter quiz

  • What is the definition of a non-fiction text?
    • a text based on a myth or legend
    • a text written for performance
    • a text based on facts  ✓
  • Match the following genres to their definition.
    • historical fiction
      a fictional plot that takes place in real historical events ✓
    • biography
      an account of someone's life written by someone else ✓
    • fairytale
      a plot about magical and imaginary beings and lands ✓
    • adventure
      a fictional plot that usually presents danger or excitement ✓
  • What genre does this text best belong to?
    • science fiction
    • humour
    • biography  ✓
    • poetry and verse
  • What form is this text presented in?
    • newspaper  ✓
    • song lyrics
    • poetry collection
    • picturebook
  • An __________ is the person responsible for crafting the words that make up a text.
    • author  ✓
    • illustrator
    • publisher
  • An __________ is the person responsible for creating the pictures, drawings, or images that make up a text.
    • author
    • illustrator  ✓
    • publisher
    • editor


  • Q3: The Extraordinary Life of Katherine Johnson (Extraordinary Lives), Devika Jina, Maggie Cole

  • Q4: First News Newspaper, Copyright © 2023 First Group Enterprises Ltd
