Starter quiz

  • Who is the author of the following text?
    • 'Jeffrey Boakye' ✓
  • Who is the illustrator of this text?
    • Michael Rosen
    • On the Move
    • Poems About Migration
    • Quentin Blake  ✓
  • Match the following poetry devices to their definitions
    • metaphor
      compares two unlike things to convey a new meaning ✓
    • simile
      compares using "like" or "as" for similarity ✓
    • personification
      gives human traits to non-human objects or concepts ✓
    • alliteration
      repetition of initial consonant sounds for emphasis ✓
    • rhyming couplets
      two successive lines with end rhymes ✓
  • What form is the following text likely to be in?
    • graphic novel
    • poetry collection  ✓
    • email
    • blog
  • True or False? A poetry collection has to contain poems all written by the same poet.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • What is a suitable definition of 'form' in terms of literature.
    • how well you perform a specific movement or skill
    • the pattern in a song
    • the shape or structure of an object you draw or create
    • the way that a text can be presented  ✓
    • having good manners and being polite


  • Q1: Kofi and the Rap Battle Summer, Jeffrey Boakye, Beth Suzanna, Faber & Faber

  • Q2: On the Move: Poems About Migration, Michael Rosen, Quentin Blake, Walker Books

  • Q4: Caribbean Dozen: Poems from Thirteen Caribbean Poets, John Agard (ed.), Grace Nichols (ed.), Walker Books
