Starter quiz

  • Who is the author of the following text?
    • 'Katya Balen' ✓
  • What form is the following text presented in?
    • comic
    • newspaper
    • magazine  ✓
  • True or false? Reading has to happen in the same place at the same time every day.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which genre is the following text likely to belong to?
    • science fiction
    • humour
    • historical fiction
    • non-fiction  ✓
  • Select the true statements relating to reading preferences.
    • Reading different authors can widen your reading preferences.  ✓
    • When and where you like to read is part of your reading preferences.  ✓
    • Reading preferences are not individual to the reader.
    • Reading only the same author will widen your reading preferences.
    • Reading preferences are unique to the reader.  ✓
  • Reflecting on your reader identity can...
    • suggest texts that you must read
    • help you identify what you enjoy reading and why you read  ✓
    • encourage you to read a wider range of genres  ✓
    • provide your friends with text recommendations


  • Q1: Foxlight, Katya Balen, Barry Falls, Bloomsbury

  • Q2: Match of the Day Magazine © 2023 Copyright Immediate Media Co.

  • Q4: First News Newspaper, Nicky Cox (ed.), First Group Enterprises Ltd
