Starter quiz

  • Who is the illustrator of this text?
    • 'Levi Pinfold' ✓
  • What genre best fits the following text?
    • folklore
    • poetry
    • non-fiction  ✓
    • fantasy
    • adventure
  • When giving a text recommendation, you should consider...
    • their age.  ✓
    • their daily routines.
    • their likes and interests.  ✓
    • their eating preferences.
    • texts they have previously enjoyed.  ✓
  • Select all the texts with the same poet.
  • True or False? Non-fiction is a form of text.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • A reading recommendation is a suggestion for a text that is well-suited to a reader’s ______ and their.
    • ability and comprehension skill
    • likes and dislikes
    • age and interests  ✓


  • Q1: Finding Bear, Hannah Gold, Levi Pinfold, HarperCollins Children's Books

  • Q2: What's the Point in Maths, Dorling Kindersley, DK Children

  • Q4: Hot Like Fire and Other Poems, Valerie Bloom, Debbie Lush, Bloomsbury Publishing

  • Q4: Nomads: Life on the Move, Kinchoi Lam, Cicada

  • Q4: Cloud Soup, Kate Wakeling, Elina Braslina, The Emma Press

  • Q4: Moon Juice, Kate Wakeling, Elina Braslina. The Emma Press
