Starter quiz

  • What form is the following text likely to be in?
    • song lyrics  ✓
    • recipe book
    • illustrated chapter book
    • newspaper
  • Use the front cover to match the following terms.
    Use the front cover to match the following terms.
    • Title
      Percy Jackson and the Lightning Theif ✓
    • Author
      Rick Riordan ✓
    • Tagline
      Half Boy, Half God, All Hero ✓
    • Recommendation
      This is the stuff of Legends ✓
  • Match the word with the correct definition.
    • protagonist
      a main character or central figure in a story or narrative ✓
    • character traits
      the special qualities that make a character unique ✓
    • hero
      a character with noble qualities, often helpful and brave ✓
    • anti-hero
      a flawed character, often with ambiguous morals ✓
  • Which form has the following text been adapted for? (awaiting upload of War Horse theatre script - cloudinary)
    • theatre  ✓
    • television
    • feature film
  • Which of these examples demonstrate selfish qualities?
    • sharing a favourite book with a friend, knowing they would enjoy it
    • refusing to share their toys, wanting to keep them all for themselves  ✓
    • not letting others join in a game, insisting on playing alone  ✓
    • standing up for a classmate who was being bullied, showing support
  • Which of these examples demonstrate trusting qualities?
    • being wary of a new student in class
    • not believing a friend's excuse for missing a playdate
    • being open to making new friends  ✓
    • helping someone who is lost, believing they needed assistance  ✓


  • Q1: Roald Dahl's Matilda the Musical: Piano Vocal Songbook, Tim Minchin, Royal Shakespeare Company

  • Q2: Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief, Rick Riordan, John Rocco, Puffin
