Starter quiz

  • Which city is the text set in?
    • Bologna
    • Naples
    • Rome
    • Pompeii  ✓
  • Which of the following sentences are written in third-person-perspective?
    • My friends and I gather in the courtyard, playing games under the sun.
    • The aroma of herbs fills my kitchen as I prepare a savoury dinner.
    • Lucas strolls along the cobblestone streets. He greets neighbours.  ✓
    • Izzy tends to her garden. She is nurturing the vibrant flowers.  ✓
  • Which of the following sentences are written in first-person-perspective?
    • My hands craft pottery, shaping clay into beautiful vases.  ✓
    • The merchant's cart rattles, laden with goods.
    • I wake up early, prepare breakfast, and head to the forum for work.  ✓
    • The bakery emits a warm, comforting scent of bread.
  • Which character trait is shown in the following sentence: Marcus returned the extra coins the merchant gave him.
    • honesty  ✓
    • jealousy
    • determination
  • Which character trait is shown in the following sentence: Despite warnings, Julia refuses to leave her home, determined to protect her belongings.
    • kindness
    • meanness
    • stubbornness  ✓
  • In which year did Mount Vesuvius erupt that caused Pompeii to be covered by ash, pumice-stone and lava?
    • 472 BCE
    • AD 79  ✓
    • 1631