Starter quiz

  • Match the type of simple sentence to the example.
    • question
      What on earth are you doing? ✓
    • exclamation
      What a mess you've made! ✓
    • command
      Clear up this mess.  ✓
    • statement
      I can't believe this room is so messy.  ✓
  • Match the type of sentence to its definition.
    • simple sentence
      has just one main clause  ✓
    • compound sentence
      has main clauses joined by co-ordinating conjunctions  ✓
    • adverbial complex sentence
      has a main clause and an adverbial clause  ✓
    • relative complex sentence
      has a main clause and a relative clause  ✓
  • What type of sentence is this? The door, which was made of steel, was impossible to break down.
    • compound
    • simple
    • relative complex  ✓
    • adverbial complex
  • What type of sentence is this? We all gasped as the fireworks shot into the sky.
    • compound
    • simple
    • relative complex
    • adverbial complex  ✓
  • Which of these are true of a relative complex sentence?
    • It contains a subordinate clause.  ✓
    • It contains a main clause.  ✓
    • It contains a relative pronoun.  ✓
    • It contains a subordinating conjunction.
    • The main clause can be interrupted by the relative clause.  ✓
  • Tick all the adverbial complex sentences.
    • Before we could finish, Mrs Begum told us to pack away.  ✓
    • Before lunch, we finished our projects.
    • After we had eaten, we went outside.  ✓
    • After that, we played football on the field.