Starter quiz

  • Which of the following are found in a non-finite complex sentence?
    • a main clause  ✓
    • a relative clause
    • an adverbial clause
    • a non-finite clause  ✓
  • Which of the following contain a non-finite (-ing) clause?
    • As we looked up, we saw bright stars shining.
    • Looking up, we saw bright stars shining.  ✓
    • She shook our hands when she got up from her chair.
    • She shook our hands, getting up from her chair.  ✓
  • Which of these non-finite complex sentences are correctly formed?
    • Looking up, the stars were shining.
    • Looking up, I saw the stars were shining.  ✓
    • Running down the canal towpath, she spotted a brilliant kingfisher.  ✓
    • Running down the canal towpath, a brilliant kingfisher flew past.
  • Match the type of complex sentence to the type of word it might require.
    • adverbial complex sentence
      subordinating conjunction ✓
    • relative complex sentence
      relative pronoun ✓
    • non-finite complex sentence
      progressive tense verb with -ing suffix ✓
  • Match the main clauses to the non-finite (-ing) clauses that could follow them.
    • We walked along the beach
      , searching for interesting shells. ✓
    • The children dashed outside
      , hoping to use the football pitch.  ✓
    • Mrs Begum smiled
      , seeing that we were eager to finish the story.  ✓
  • Which main clause would best complete this non-finite complex sentence? 'Diving into the water, __________.'
    • I leaped into the air.
    • I felt as if I had been plunged into an ice bath.  ✓
    • I got ready to swim.