Starter quiz

  • Which character's perspective do we read from in 'The Girl of Ink and Stars'?
    • Pablo
    • Lupe
    • Gabo
    • Isabella  ✓
  • Who is the illustrator of 'The Girl of Ink and Stars'?
    • 'Helen Crawford-White' ✓
  • What is the name of the island that Isabella is trying to protect?
    • 'Joya' ✓
  • Match the fictional place names in Isabella's world to their real-life counterparts.
    • Æygpt
      Egypt ✓
    • Amrica
      America ✓
    • Afrik
      Africa ✓
  • True or False? Governor Adori was aware of the myth of Yote being real.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • At the end of the text, who does Isabella dedicate the tree to that is the final landmark on her map?
    • Masha
    • General Adori
    • Marquez
    • Lupe  ✓