Starter quiz

  • Which of these best describes a fairytale?
    • an information text with real facts
    • a made up story with talking animals and magic  ✓
    • a true story about a person's life
  • Starting with the first, put these parts of a fairytale in the correct order.
    • 1
    • 2
      build up
    • 3
    • 4
  • What is the correct description of a fiction book?
    • a book that gives factual information
    • a book with lots of poems
    • a book about a made-up story  ✓
  • Which of these titles are fairytales?
    • Little Red Riding Hood  ✓
    • Cinderella  ✓
    • Emmeline Pankhurst: Little People Big Dreams
    • National Geographic
    • Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs  ✓
  • Which of these would you be likely to see in a fairytale?
    • magic  ✓
    • good triumph over evil  ✓
    • facts
    • talking animals  ✓
    • information about animals
  • Match the word to the correct definition.
    • fairytale
      a traditional story which has elements of magic and fantasy ✓
    • biography
      an information text about a real person's life ✓
    • information text
      a text that provides real facts or information ✓
    • poem
      a type of writing that can evoke emotion and can rhyme ✓