Starter quiz

  • Order the key events in Anthony Browne's adaptation of 'Hansel and Gretel'.
    • 1
      Starvation leads the stepmother to abandon the children to save herself
    • 2
      Hansel, having overheard the plan, uses "pebbles" to guide him and Gretel home.
    • 3
      Starvation returns and the children are abandoned in the forest again
    • 4
      Hansel is unable to guide them home this time and they find an edible house.
    • 5
      The witch, who lives in the house, tricks the children so she can eat them.
    • 6
      Hansel and Gretel outsmart the witch and Gretel manages to kill her.
    • 7
      The children arrive home, discover their stepmother is dead and live happily.
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • fairytale
      a children's story about magical/imaginary beings and lands ✓
    • folklore
      a genre in which oral stories are passed down over time ✓
    • moral
      a lesson that can be learnt from a story or experience ✓
    • characterisation
      the way a character is portrayed in a story ✓
    • convey
      to communicate a message directly or indirectly ✓
    • analyse
      to examine something in detail in order to understand it ✓
  • Select all of the good qualities shown by characters in 'Hansel and Gretel'.
    • bravery  ✓
    • selflessness  ✓
    • greed
    • kindness  ✓
    • deceit
  • Select all of the evil characteristics shown by characters in 'Hansel and Gretel'.
    • manipulative  ✓
    • honest
    • selfish  ✓
    • greedy  ✓
    • considerate
  • How does the author Anthony Browne use illustrations to enhance the meaning of his adaptation of 'Hansel and Gretel'?
    • He makes them colourful and vibrant to attract the reader.
    • He communicates hidden messages to the reader.  ✓
    • He keeps them simple so the reader focuses on the words.
  • What evidence is there to suggest that the stepmother and the witch are the same person?
    • They are both unkind people who don't like children.
    • There are similarities in their appearance and possessions.  ✓
    • After Gretel kills the witch, they discover the stepmother is dead too.  ✓
    • They are both greedy and selfish.
    • They display similar characteristics and use the same language.  ✓