Starter quiz

  • Select the definition of a biography.
    • a non-fiction text written about someone’s life  ✓
    • a non-fiction text written about an event
    • a non-fiction text written about a subject
  • Select which of these are types of non-fiction texts.
    • poem
    • non-chronological report  ✓
    • narrative story
    • journalistic report  ✓
    • biography  ✓
  • What is the purpose of a biography?
    • to inform the reader about an event
    • to inform the reader about a subject
    • to inform the reader about a person  ✓
  • Tick the layout features of biographies.
    • title  ✓
    • subheading  ✓
    • address
    • paragraphs  ✓
    • stanzas
  • How do subheadings help to achieve the text's purpose?
    • They tell the reader what the biography is about
    • They show the reader pictures of the person
    • They tell the reader what the section is about  ✓
  • What is a civil rights activist?
    • a non-fiction text written about someone’s life
    • the aim of a text
    • a structure of language that uses words
    • a person dedicated to securing equal opportunity for minority groups  ✓