Starter quiz

  • An advert is...
    • a promotional message for a product, service or idea  ✓
    • a narrative story
    • a video of someone's lie
  • What is an adjective?
    • a naming word for people, places or things
    • a word that describes a noun  ✓
    • a doing or being word
  • What are features of something?
    • the parts or characteristics that make something unique  ✓
    • the words used in a book
    • the images in an advert
  • What is advert short for?
    • advertisement  ✓
    • advertent
    • advertorial
  • What does persuade mean?
    • to give your opinion
    • to give a different idea to your partner
    • to convince or to make someone agree with you  ✓
  • What is vocabulary?
    • the pictures used to communicate
    • the words we know and use to communicate with others  ✓
    • the thoughts in our head