Starter quiz

  • Which features of a persuasive advert should grab the reader's attention first?
    • the details about the product, experience or topic
    • the headline and images  ✓
    • all features should stand out equally
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • alliteration
      the repetition of initial sounds in neighbouring words ✓
    • exaggeration
      overstating for dramatic effect ✓
    • rhetorical question
      a question posed that is not intended to be answered ✓
  • Which of the following are examples of alliteration?
    • blissful bite  ✓
    • tasty nibble
    • succulent snack  ✓
    • delicious treat
  • Which of the following are examples of exaggeration?
    • the most delicious treat you've ever had  ✓
    • a healthy snack
    • tastier than any other treat  ✓
    • a nutrient-rich ball
  • Which of the following is an example of a rhetorical question?
    • Do you love sweet treats and want to be healthy?  ✓
    • Everyone loves sweet treats but also wants to be healthy.
    • You can either have a sweet treat, or be healthy.
  • What linguistic technique has been used to make the following slogan catchy: "once eaten, never beaten"?
    • alliteration
    • exaggeration
    • rhyme  ✓
    • rhetorical question