Starter quiz

  • What is a presentation?
    • a video of someone speaking about something
    • a speech or talk in which a new product, idea, or piece of work is shown  ✓
    • a piece of written work
  • Which of the following features in a persuasive advert are used to hook the audience?
    • the headline  ✓
    • the images  ✓
    • the rhetorical question  ✓
    • the follow-up statement
    • the main body of text
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • unique selling point
      what makes a product better than others on the market ✓
    • target audience
      a particular group at which a product is aimed ✓
    • engage
      to occupy or attract someone's interest and attention ✓
  • What is the unique selling point of the chocolate energy ball?
    • It is chocolatey.
    • It is really healthy.
    • It is cased in chocolate and it is healthy.  ✓
    • It tastes delicious.
    • It is made up of mostly oats, nuts and dried fruits.
  • Which key persuasive linguistic techniques have been incorporated into your persuasive advert?
    • details about the product
    • alliteration  ✓
    • rhetorical questions  ✓
    • pictures
    • rhyme  ✓
  • Which of the following features will you want the audience to remember due to its catchy nature?
    • the ingredients of the product
    • the health benefits of the product
    • the images of the product
    • the slogan for the product  ✓