Starter quiz

  • What is the definition of a noun?
    • an object
    • an idea
    • a naming word for a person, place or thing  ✓
    • a describing word
  • An adjective describes a ______.
    • 'noun' ✓
  • What is the purpose of an adverb?
    • An adverb describes a noun.
    • An adverb describes characters.
    • An adverb describes and adds extra detail to a verb.  ✓
  • Match the word class to its example.
    • verb
      searches ✓
    • noun
      worker bee ✓
    • adverb
      carefully ✓
    • adjective
      striped ✓
  • Language in an explanation text is...
    • factual.  ✓
    • poetic.
    • formal.  ✓
    • funny.
  • Honey bees are a type of...
    • mammal.
    • arachnid.
    • insect.  ✓
    • reptile.