Starter quiz

  • What does a full sentence need to include?
    • full stop  ✓
    • capital letter  ✓
    • verb  ✓
    • comma
  • Order these sections of an explanation text correctly.
    • 1
    • 2
      First themed section
    • 3
      Second themed section
    • 4
  • Match the type of fronted adverbial to its example.
    • ordering fronted adverbial
      Next, ✓
    • fronted adverbial of cause
      As a result,  ✓
    • formal fronted adverbial
      However, ✓
    • viewpoint fronted adverbial
      Amazingly, ✓
  • What does 'chronological order' mean?
    • events organised in the order in which they happen or happened in time  ✓
    • events organised in alphabetical order
    • events organised in random order
  • Which of these fronted adverbials shows the cause and effect of something?
    • Interestingly,
    • In addition,
    • As a result,  ✓
    • Next,
  • Which subject-specific vocabulary would be found in an explanation text about the honey-making process?
    • nectar  ✓
    • science
    • hive  ✓
    • predator