Starter quiz

  • Which sentence is correctly punctuated?
    • The bee leaves the hive
    • the bee leaves the hive.
    • The bee leaves the hive.  ✓
    • the bee. leaves the hive
  • What is the purpose of a plan?
    • to help edit a piece of writing
    • to help the writer organise their thoughts before writing  ✓
    • to write a first draft
  • Match the subject-specific vocabulary to its definition.
    • hive
      a structure in which bees live ✓
    • nectar
      a sweet liquid made by flowers ✓
    • honeycomb cell
      a natural wax container for honey ✓
  • 'First,' and 'Next,' are examples of ______ fronted adverbials.
    • 'ordering' ✓
  • Match the term to its example.
    • fronted adverbial of cause
      As a result, ✓
    • expanded noun phrase
      the social, diligent creatures ✓
    • ordering fronted adverbial
      First,  ✓
  • The two types of honey bees are...
    • sticky bees.
    • worker bees.  ✓
    • furry bees.
    • processor bees.  ✓