Starter quiz

  • What is the purpose of an explanation text?
    • To tell a story.
    • To explain the process of something.  ✓
    • To make the reader laugh.
  • What is a honeybee?
    • A type of reptile.
    • A type of insect.  ✓
    • A type of amphibian.
    • A type of insect that makes honey.  ✓
  • Bees live in a...
    • 'beehive' ✓
  • What is a hexagonal shape?
    • A type of cube.
    • A shape with 6 sides.  ✓
    • A 3D shape.
    • A shape with 4 sides.
  • What is a 'forager'?
    • A person or animal that lives in a forest.
    • A person or animal that flies.
    • A person or animal that searches widely for food.  ✓
  • Match the physical state to its example.
    • solid
      rock ✓
    • liquid
      water ✓
    • gas
      air ✓