Starter quiz

  • Match the word to its definition.
    • verb
      A doing or being word. ✓
    • adjective
      A word that describes a noun. ✓
    • noun
      A person, place or thing. ✓
    • adverb
      A word that describes a verb. ✓
  • Which sentence is punctuated correctly?
    • Honey-making is a complex process
    • Honey-making is a complex process.  ✓
    • honey-making is a complex process
    • honey-making is a complex process.
  • Which of the following features would you find in an explanation text?
    • Factual language.  ✓
    • Ordering fronted adverbials.  ✓
    • Metaphors.
    • Fronted adverbials of cause.  ✓
    • Speech sentences.
  • What type of verb do you use at the start of a command to tell someone what to do?
    • 'imperative verb' ✓
  • Which sentence is written in the present tense?
    • Honey bees are industrious creatures.  ✓
    • Honey bees were industrious creatures.
    • Honey bees had been industrious creatures.
    • Honey bees will be industrious creatures.
  • Order the sections of the explanation text correctly.
    • 1
    • 2
      First themed section.
    • 3
      Second themed section.
    • 4