Starter quiz

  • What does the motion of a debate always start with?
    • This debate ...
    • We believe ...
    • This house ...  ✓
  • What are the names for the two teams involved in a debate?
    • proposition  ✓
    • positive
    • negative
    • opposition  ✓
    • speaker
  • Which team agrees with the motion?
    • proposition  ✓
    • opposition
    • audience
  • Which team disagrees with the motion?
    • proposition
    • opposition  ✓
    • audience
  • Which role is responsible for keeping order in a debate?
    • time keeper
    • judges
    • audience
    • chairperson  ✓
  • When would a summary speaker have their turn in a debate?
    • at the start of their team's speeches
    • after the rest of their team have spoken  ✓
    • in the middle of their team's speeches