Starter quiz

  • What is a debate?
    • a performance on a stage
    • a group of people reading speeches
    • a structured argument between two teams  ✓
  • An opinion must be justified in a debate with which of these?
    • reasoning  ✓
    • facts
    • another opinion
  • It is important to speak clearly and loudly in a debate so ...
    • ... the audience can hear every word the speaker says.  ✓
    • ... the other team feel intimidated.
    • ... you can gain extra points by being the loudest speaker.
  • What is an opinion?
    • explaining why a person thinks something
    • a view or belief that a person has  ✓
    • something that is true
  • What is reasoning?
    • a structured argument between two teams
    • a view or belief that a person has
    • explaining why a person has a certain opinion  ✓
  • Convincing someone will make them ...
    • disagree with you.
    • agree with you.  ✓
    • angry with you.