Starter quiz

  • What is the first thing a team should do when following the debate preparation guide GOAL?
    • guess which points to use
    • gather a group of people to help
    • generate a list of points  ✓
  • What comes after 'generate' when following GOAL?
    • order  ✓
    • organise
    • observe
  • Who does a team assign points to when preparing for a debate?
    • members of the audience
    • the opposing team
    • their summary speaker
    • their speakers  ✓
  • What must a team do to avoid repeating parts of each other's arguments?
    • listen to each other
    • liaise with each other  ✓
    • learn from each other
  • What makes an effective 'point' in a debate?
    • one that seems obvious
    • one that isn't true
    • one that provokes an emotional response  ✓
  • Should points be fully formed and written in full sentences whilst the team is generating them?
    • yes
    • no  ✓
    • it depends if the audience is watching