Starter quiz

  • Which of the following is found in the Caribbean's natural environment?
    • heavy snowfall in winter months
    • vast desert landscapes
    • dense tropical rainforests  ✓
    • icebergs and crevasses
  • What makes Caribbean sunsets particularly stunning?
    • the consistent presence of heavy fog
    • the unique occurrence of northern lights
    • the reflection of city lights on the horizon
    • the colourful hues spread over the ocean  ✓
  • Which artistic elements are commonly depicted in John Lyons' illustrations to represent the Caribbean?
    • snow-capped mountains and glaciers
    • vast stretches of arid deserts
    • lush tropical landscapes, palm trees and vibrant flora  ✓
    • northern lights and polar wildlife
  • True or false? Reciting a poem rapidly without pauses is good in a poetry performance.
    • True
    • False ✓
  • Which of the following elements is John Lyons likely to illustrate in his poems?
    • flowers  ✓
    • animals  ✓
    • icebergs
    • carnival  ✓
  • Match the themes to the titles of Lyons' poems.
    • family and relationships
      Granny's Sugarcake ✓
    • nature and animals
      Happy Hummingbird Food ✓
    • animals and humour
      Tadpole Comets ✓
    • weather and nature
      Dancing in the Rain ✓