Starter quiz

  • Which noun phrase best describes a hot Caribbean sun?
    • cold metal
    • glassy marble
    • fiery orb  ✓
    • soft ball
  • Which phrase best describes a heavy downpour?
    • light sprinkling
    • torrential flood  ✓
    • gentle pitter patter
    • tiny droplets
  • Which phrase best describes a strong wind?
    • playfully jostling
    • blazing relentlessly
    • calmly drifting
    • wildly ferocious  ✓
  • Which phrase best describes the stars that could fill a night sky?
    • white specks of dust  ✓
    • marine-blue swirls of foam
    • grey blanket of clouds
  • Match the elements in the natural world with their corresponding descriptive vocabulary.
    • stars
      dotted across the sky like diamonds ✓
    • sunset
      dropping down beyond the horizon ✓
    • forested hills
      densely packed behind the row of houses ✓
    • rain
      heavy and warm ✓
  • Match the animals in John Lyons' poems to their corresponding descriptive vocabulary.
    • hummingbird
      sipping sweet nectar from flowers in bloom ✓
    • tadpoles
      huddled in a pond watching candleflies ✓
    • mosquito
      playing high octave tunes ✓