Starter quiz

  • What is the word class of the word 'language' in the following sentence? 'He spoke a different language at home.'
    • verb
    • adverb
    • adjective
    • noun  ✓
  • Match the word classes to the examples, using this sentence: 'As the sun slowly set, we gazed at the glorious sky.'
    • noun
      sky ✓
    • adjective
      glorious ✓
    • verb
      set ✓
    • adverb
      slowly ✓
  • Select all the nouns.
    • rhythm  ✓
    • relevant
    • signature  ✓
    • awkward
  • What are the noun phrases in the following sentence? 'We stepped into the dark cave as heavy rain fell outside.'
    • we stepped
    • the dark cave  ✓
    • fell outside
    • heavy rain  ✓
  • Select all the clauses.
    • under the soft, cosy blanket
    • we huddled together  ✓
    • when the snow began to fall  ✓
    • in gentle, white flakes
  • Match the sentence types to the examples.
    • adverbial complex sentence
      Before we had finished, the bell rang.  ✓
    • compound sentence
      The bell rang and we went outside.  ✓
    • relative complex sentence
      The bell, which was very loud, rang for the end of lunch.  ✓
    • non-finite complex sentence
      The bell rang, filling the whole hall with its noise.  ✓
    • simple sentence
      The bell rang loudly and quickly.  ✓