Starter quiz

  • What is introduced by a determiner?
    • a phrase
    • a noun  ✓
    • a clause
    • a verb
  • Match the types of determiner to the examples.
    • article
      the ✓
    • possessive pronoun
      their ✓
    • quantifier
      some ✓
    • demonstrative
      those ✓
  • Select all the clauses that contain a possessive pronoun.
    • this is our house  ✓
    • because they took his shoes  ✓
    • we saw many people there
    • my sister rushed in  ✓
  • Select the sentences that contain quantifiers.
    • Give me those books.
    • Give me some books.  ✓
    • I want to see lots of work.  ✓
    • I want to see your work.
  • Which determiners could be used in this gap? '__________ food is excellent today!'
    • your  ✓
    • these
    • the  ✓
    • many
  • Select all the sentences with two determiners.
    • Give this letter to your teacher.  ✓
    • Give my thanks to the secretary.  ✓
    • Give some money to your nan.  ✓
    • Give this money to Miss O'Neill.