Starter quiz

  • Match the sentence to the punctuation used for its parenthesis.
    • brackets
      Glasgow (a city in Scotland) has a population of 600,000. ✓
    • dashes
      The eagle swooped – like a lightning bolt – onto its prey. ✓
    • commas
      Glasgow, a city in Scotland, has a population of 600,000. ✓
  • Which of the following could complete this sentence? 'All kinds of parenthesis __________.'
    • add extra information to a sentence  ✓
    • have punctuation on either side  ✓
    • contain a verb
    • could be removed and the sentence would still make sense  ✓
  • Tick the sentence that would most suit brackets to indicate the parenthesis.
    • New York a city in the USA is not the country's capital city.  ✓
    • A sword razor-sharp and jagged slashed through the curtains.
    • My older brother a hairdresser still lives at our house.
  • Match the type of punctuation for parenthesis to the type of text it is used in.
    • commas
      used in fiction and non-fiction ✓
    • dashes
      used in fiction ✓
    • brackets
      used in non-fiction ✓
  • Tick the sentence that could include dashes to show parenthesis.
    • My older brother a hairdresser still lives at our house.
    • A sword razor-sharp and jagged slashed through the curtains.  ✓
    • The hill a pleasant, grassy mound sits just outside the village.
  • Why should this sentence use commas for parenthesis and not dashes? 'The hill a pleasant, grassy mound sits just outside the village. '
    • It is not showing a dramatic effect.  ✓
    • It is showing a strong emotion or description.
    • It is adding factual information.