Starter quiz

  • Which of these sentences is punctuated accurately?
    • he died at the age of nineteen.
    • He died at the age of nineteen.  ✓
    • he died at the age of nineteen
    • He died at the age of nineteen
  • Which of these need capital letters?
    • king tut  ✓
    • tomb
    • howard carter  ✓
    • discovered
    • tutankhamun  ✓
  • In which sentence is the comma used correctly?
    • Interestingly, King Tut only ruled Egypt for ten years.  ✓
    • Interestingly King Tut only ruled Egypt for ten years.
    • Interestingly King Tut, only ruled Egypt for ten years.
    • Interestingly King Tut only ruled Egypt, for ten years.
  • 'King Tut is believed to have died from malaria or an infected leg.' In which section of a non-chronological report about King Tut would you find this sentence?
    • Introduction
    • Life of King Tut
    • Death of King Tut  ✓
    • Conclusion
  • What is the purpose of a subheading?
    • to make a text longer
    • to summarise the text
    • to signal the reader to each section of the text  ✓
  • Is the following statement true or false? 'King Tut ruled Egypt for nineteen years.'
    • True
    • False ✓