Starter quiz

  • What is a 'king'?
    • a man who has lots of children
    • a man who rules a country  ✓
    • a man who lives in a castle
  • The purpose of an information text is to ______ the reader about a subject, person or event.
    • 'inform' ✓
  • What is an 'ancient civilisation'?
    • a community that exists today
    • the first settled community in a country many years ago  ✓
    • a community that started recently
  • Which of the following are true about Egypt?
    • It is a city.
    • It is a country.  ✓
    • It is a town.
    • It is in North Africa.  ✓
  • What does 'preserved' mean?
    • an object that has fallen apart
    • an object that has stayed in its original state without changing  ✓
    • an object that has decayed
    • an object that has begun to rot
  • If you are 'heir to the throne', what does that mean?
    • You have long hair.
    • You are the next person to become king or queen when the current one dies.  ✓
    • You are never going to be king or queen.
    • You want to be king or queen.