Starter quiz

  • What are conjunctions?
    • words that describe how a verb is done
    • words that always come at the beginning of a sentence
    • words that join words, phrases or clauses  ✓
    • words that describe a character's appearance
  • Match the co-ordinating conjunction to the correct sentence by filling in the blanks.
    • and
      I went to the shops_____ I bought a newspaper.  ✓
    • , but
      I want to play outside _____ it is raining heavily. ✓
    • , or
      Do you want to go to the museum_____ do you want to go to the park? ✓
  • What is a main clause? Select all that are correct.
    • It only makes sense if there is a conjunction.
    • It makes sense on its own.  ✓
    • It contains a verb.  ✓
    • It must end with a question mark.
    • It is a group of words.  ✓
  • In which instances could a comma be used?
    • at the end of a sentence
    • after a fronted adverbial  ✓
    • when separating nouns in a list  ✓
    • after a verb
  • Order the sections of a non-chronological report correctly.
    • 1
    • 2
      first themed section
    • 3
      second themed section
    • 4
  • Which features would be most appropriate for a non-chronological report?
    • speech sentences
    • subheadings  ✓
    • capital letters for emphasis
    • title  ✓
    • jokes