Starter quiz

  • Which of these are true for non-fiction texts?
    • A non-fiction text is written with informal language only
    • A non-fiction text is imaginary
    • A non-fiction text is full of facts and information  ✓
    • There are different types of non-fiction text  ✓
  • Which sentence has the comma accurately punctuated?
    • However sugary foods should be eaten in moderation.
    • However, sugary foods should be eaten, in moderation.
    • However, sugary foods should be eaten in moderation.  ✓
    • However sugary foods should be eaten, in moderation.
  • Which sentence needs a question mark at the end?
    • A healthy diet is very important
    • Eating healthily is crucial
    • What is a healthy diet  ✓
    • How to eat healthily
  • Which co-ordinating conjunction completes this sentence? 'Whole grains are full of fibre __________ they are excellent for our gut-health.'
    • , but
    • , or
    • and  ✓
  • Look at this clause: 'because it regulates the body temperature'. What type of clause is this?
    • 'subordinate' ✓
  • Tick the sentences that are main clauses.
    • as they release energy slowly
    • protein strengthens the muscles  ✓
    • because they are full of sugar
    • fibre is good for the gut  ✓
    • and they are full of vitamins