Starter quiz

  • Order these parts of a journalistic report.
    • 1
    • 2
    • 3
      Recount section
    • 4
      Quotes section
    • 5
  • What is the purpose of the recount section in a journalistic report?
    • to give an overview of the whole event
    • to give the reader detailed and specific information about the event or topic  ✓
    • to provide quotes from witnesses
  • What details will not need to be included when reporting on a crime?
    • detailed timeline of events that led to the incident
    • details of the suspect and their appearance
    • how police became alerted to the crime and action taken
    • details on what the journalists think of the event  ✓
    • details about the victims and any other significant people
  • Select the statements that are true about the events leading up to the crime.
    • The suspect was seen outside Mrs Puckett’s residence at 3.45pm on 1st Dec.  ✓
    • The suspect was described as 6ft tall with thick, grey fur.  ✓
    • Red was seen entering the property at 4pm.  ✓
    • Red and her grandma were seen leaving the property happily at 3:45pm.
    • Screams were heard by neighbours shortly after and police were alerted.  ✓
  • Select the statements that are true about what happened when the police arrived.
    • Police arrived to find suspect already restrained by a local woodsman.  ✓
    • It was reported that the woodsman used his axe to break in and save the victims.  ✓
    • The police arrived but the wolf had already made his escape.
    • Further details of the crime and what took place remain unknown.  ✓
    • The victims, Mrs Puckett and Red, suffered injuries and distress.  ✓
  • Select the examples of fronted adverbials of time.
    • At 3.45pm on 1st December,  ✓
    • Inside the victim's residence,
    • That afternoon,  ✓
    • It is thought that