Starter quiz

  • What type of text is a myth?
    • a traditional tale  ✓
    • a non-fiction text
    • a poem
  • What type of characters would you encounter in a myth?
    • gods and goddesses  ✓
    • mythical creatures  ✓
    • cartoon characters
  • Match the vocabulary to the correct definition.
    • myth
      a traditional tale, often involving gods ✓
    • genre
      the style or category that a story belongs to ✓
    • adventure
      an unusual and exciting or daring experience ✓
    • characters
      the people and animals that appear in a story ✓
  • Which of the following are examples of mythical creatures?
    • a unicorn  ✓
    • a camel
    • a phoenix  ✓
    • a mermaid  ✓
    • a whale
  • Why would somebody choose to read a myth?
    • to learn true and real facts about the world
    • because they enjoy reading fictional tales with supernatural elements  ✓
    • to learn how to rhyme
  • What do we often learn from reading myths?
    • a moral or lesson  ✓
    • how to read
    • animals that exist in the world
    • stories about true events