Starter quiz

  • Identify the adjective in this sentence: The red ball rolled under the car.
    • red  ✓
    • ball
    • rolled
    • car
  • How many syllables are in the following words: nicest, darkest, kindest.
    • 1
    • 2  ✓
    • 3
    • 4
  • Match the word to the suffix it contains.
    • hurrying
      -ing ✓
    • played
      -ed ✓
    • dresses
      -es ✓
    • flowers
      -s ✓
  • What happens when the suffix -er is added to a word such as 'long' or 'cold'?
    • Just add -er.  ✓
    • Remove the 'y' and add -ier.
    • Remove the 'e' and add -er.
    • Double the consonant and add -er.
  • What happens when the suffix -est is added to a root word ending in 'e', such as 'safe' or 'brave'?
    • Just add -est.
    • Remove the 'y' and add -iest.
    • Remove the 'e' and add -est.  ✓
    • Double the consonant and add -est.
  • Correct the spelling of the word in bold in this sentence: It was coldir this morning.
    • 'colder' ✓