Starter quiz

  • What is the purpose of an explanation text?
    • To tell a story
    • To explain the process of something  ✓
    • To make the reader laugh
  • True or False: If something is described as 'old-fashioned' it is from the past.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which country does the River Nile run through?
    • London
    • Egypt  ✓
    • America
    • Scotland
  • Which are examples of internal organs?
    • heart  ✓
    • arms
    • lungs  ✓
    • hair
    • kidney  ✓
  • True or False: Ancient Egyptians believed in life after death.
    • True ✓
    • False
  • Which is the correct definition of 'decaying'?
    • being late for something
    • when something is rotting or decomposing  ✓
    • repeating a process
    • when something stays the same